
IBN Ingenieurbüro Bernd Neumann GmbH

Eichendorffstraße 23

47626 Kevelaer

Telefon: +49(0)2832 / 97 95 62

Fax: +49(0)2832 / 97 95 63



Geschäftsführer: Bernd Neumann

Prokurist: Hans Dieter Diederich

Registergericht: Kleve

Registernummer: HRB 9738


Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:

DE 200 921 008


Liability Notice

Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links.

The content of the linked pages are the sole responsibility of their operators.


Data Privacy Statement

Collection, processing, use and processing of personal data for orders
When ordering, we collect and use your personal data only to the extent necessary to fulfill and process your order and to process your requests. The provision of the data is required for the conclusion of the contract. Non-provisioning means that no contract can be concluded. Processing is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. b DSGVO and is required to fulfill a contract with you. A transfer of your data to third parties without your consent does not happen. Excluded from this are only our service partners, which we need for the execution of the contractual relationship or service providers, of which we serve ourselves within the scope of a order processing. In addition to the recipients named in the respective clauses of this privacy policy, these are, for example, recipients of the following categories: shipping service providers, payment service providers, merchandise management service providers, service providers for order processing. In all cases, we strictly adhere to the legal requirements. The amount of data transmission is limited to a minimum.

Duration of Storage
After completion of the contract, the data is initially stored for the duration of the warranty period, then taking into account statutory, in particular tax and commercial retention periods.

Rights of affected People
You are entitled to the following rights under Art. 15 to 20 DSGVO if the legal requirements are met: Right to information, correction, deletion, limitation of processing, data portability. In addition, according to Art. 21 (1) DSGVO, you are entitled to a right of objection to the processing based on Art. 6 (1) of the DSGVO and to processing for the purpose of direct mail.

Right of appeal to the Supervisory Authority
According to Art. 77 DSGVO you have the right to complain to the supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of your personal data is not legal.